Dr. Jack Davis is the 2019 Sather Professor!


[pbs_component_photo title=”Dr. Jack Davis” image_id=”783″ text=”University of Cincinnati” /]

We extend our warmest thanks to our 2019 Sather, Dr. Jack Davis, Blegen Professor of Greek Archaeology at University of Cincinnati. Prof. Davis offered a series of lectures under the general title: A Bronze Age Greek State in Formation.

Professor Davis is perhaps best known for his prolific contributions to studies in Aegean prehistory, most recently his work at the Palace of Nestor in Pylos and the 2015 discovery of the Griffin Warrior Tomb (co-directed with Sharon Stocker). His research interests also include the history and archaeology of Ottoman and early modern Greece and the history of Classical archaeology, in particular its relationship to nationalist movements in the Balkans.

The 2019 Sather Lecture series was one for the books! From questions of culture and identity to expositions on adventures in the field and travails in land acquisition and back again to Minoan Missionaries and life in the pale of Pylos, Professor Jack Davis led us on a colorful journey through his own adventure in prehistoric archaeology. We hope you enjoyed his lectures as much as we did, but in case you were not able to attend – fear not! – his lectures are available on YouTube thanks to the Berkeley Language Center.

Grab some popcorn and your beverage of choice and cozy up for “A Bronze Age Greek State in Formation” in six lectures with 2019 Sather Professor, Jack Davis, from the University of Cincinnati. The video playlist awaits you here ==> Spring 2019 Sather Lectures on YouTube: A Bronze Age Greek State in Formation.

[pbs_component_video title=”Sather Lectures (Spring 2019) – Jack L. Davis” video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLfw_auLuIbrzXXB64A3dX8xzox2VZi64Z&v=7bAJeusDzic&feature=emb_title” /]

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