Our first-ever Virtual Nemea Night is a wrap!


We cannot thank you enough for tuning in, showing your support, and staying engaged with your questions and comments.

Ah, 2020. From pandemics to social uprisings and from the national political arena to our very own Zoom screens – this year is one we won’t soon forget! Nemea Night 2020 also adapted and took on a new form, a virtual form, powered by Zoom but broadcast over the Nemea Center’s YouTube channel. We were sorry not to have the opportunity to mingle and chat over Nemean wine as we usually do, but we hope that you learned a bit and enjoyed some of the updates we were able to share remotely.

Setbacks aside, we really were able to get a lot done: we built a new website (thanks for being here!), we created a digital archive with 3D models of some of our artifact collection, we moved forward with our redesign of the Peterson Museum, we collaborated virtually to prepare publication of the recent excavations in the vicinity of the Hero Shrine at Nemea, we inked beaucoup technical drawings, we completed a chapter on animal bone distribution and interpretation from the incredible Petsas House well deposit, we created and populated databases for the Petsas House artifacts, we shared exciting results of a recent DNA study from our work at the prehistoric cemetery of Aidonia, and we even conducted an impromptu rescue excavation at Aidonia too – – just to name a few things. Our archaeological sites had their own adventures too: supermodel photo shoots, imposed lockdowns, devastating wildfires, illicit digging, and new fluffy kittens, among other things. Some of the research results we shared during our presentation were hot off the press! Some of these results coalesced only in the past few weeks or even days, so we were pleased to be able to share them with you, our supporters, first and foremost. More results and publications are on the docket and will be widely available soon, so we’re hoping you will stay tuned!

We’ve done a lot. We’ve stayed in touch and collaborated on our work via Zoom, Slack, Google, Facebook, Dropbox and many other online platforms available to us now. We want to extend our gratitude to our director, Dr. Kim Shelton, for keeping all of us on task and enthusiastic about the various projects we’ve just shared with you. She is the mastermind behind each initiative and the helmsman guiding each project to successful completion. Most especially, however, we want to thank our donors. Without your support, none of this work would be possible. We seek your continued support in these strange and trying times and we hope that we have been able to show you how far your support really can take us – even when we’re locked out of museums, out of campus, and out of Greece. Thank you for your support. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for making the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology a truly collaborative and multidisciplinary research center that continues to bring the past to the present.

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